Scholarship Program for Gallaudet Students

Annual Scholarships for Deaf Students

Donations by Rotarians, clubs, and other individuals become part of the Gallaudet Endowment Fund set aside as the Rotary District 7620 Scholarship Fund. Annual earnings from the Fund are used to support one-year scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students.

The Fund has grown from a few hundred dollars in the 1970s to more than $421,000.

Scholarship awardees are selected by a committee of Rotarians from among a list of eligible student candidates recommended by Gallaudet’s office of Financial Aid.

Clubs that donate $2000 or more in a single year are permitted to “name” a scholarship that year in honor of a distinguished member or other worthy individual of their choice. However, there is no minimum level for donations. Individual contributions, bequests, and other contributions to the Fund are also encouraged.

Scholarship awards are announced and presented as part of an annual ROTARY DAY at Gallaudet, held on campus each September and attended by Rotarians, students, and faculty.

Support for Capital Campaigns
Rotarians and Rotary clubs have also helped support Gallaudet capital campaigns. District 7620 clubs and individual Rotary members pledged $65,000 for outfitting a tutorial center in the new opened in early 2003.
Please make checks payable to Gallaudet University and indicate for deposit into the Rotary District 7620 Scholarship Endowment Fund.

Mail Checks to:
Gallaudet University
c/o Patsy Bowman, Assistant Director for Annual Giving
800 Florida Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20002

From PDG Pat Kasuda,
Chair Scholarship Program

Dear Rotary District 7620,

What an exciting year you have ahead of you!
Please know that as a Past District Governor, I offer my support and would be willing to assist you if the need arises.

I am attaching a few talking points to assist you with requesting your Board’s approval of a donation to the Rotary District 7620 Scholarship Endowment Program. Remember, the University is the only International University providing educational opportunities for those that are deaf. Our District has been involved for 37 years and is proud of those students that have excelled as a result of our generosity.

As Chairman of our District’s Scholarship
Endowment Program, I offer my support in
educating your club members about this very
worthy project. Remember, as soon as we get our contributions to the level of $500,000, we will have an Endowment that will sustain our awarding 20 scholarships annually.

I thank you for your support and look forward to your contribution. Best wishes for a wonderful year.

Yours in Rotary Service,
Pat Kasuda